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Sessions are held over the phone (for U.S. and Canada) or via Skype.

What are the Akashic Records?

Akashic Records

Having your Akashic Records read for you is a fun way to get a deep look into who you are at the soul level, aka your essence.


There's a lot of uncanny information that can be learned about yourself in an Akashic Records reading.


Read more to see if this is right for you.

The Akashic Records can be thought of as a database of all the information about every person's past, present, and future. They can be accessed intuitively by a trained Akashic Records Reader. That's where I come in!

Types of Info Researched in Your Akashic Records:

Energy Center of Training

This is a soul training that will drive you towards specific goals and ways of being in the world. It's also part of what shapes your personality and the gifts you bring to the world.

Life Lessons

We take on different lessons to learn over lifetimes, such as patience, moderation, kindness or wisdom. This can be validating and clarifying as our soul chooses life experiences (positive & negative) in order to learn these lessons.

Your Empath Gifts

Learn whether you are an empath, and what kind (there are 9 types of empaths).

Soul Group of Origin

The soul can be thought of as the part of you that is timeless, and although each of our souls originate from Source, we get to choose which star system we wish to incarnate in first. These first incarnations are formative, and thus the location of them leaves an imprint on our soul and helps to shape who we are and what we bring to each lifetime.

Past Life Roles & Situation

There are a variety of life roles your soul may have played out in past lives that are covered in a reading, as well as specific situations and periods in history that your soul has participated in.

Soul Gifts/Archetypes

Learn what additional gifts and archetypes your soul chose to embody in this lifetime to support your life purpose.

Soul Trainings

The trainings your soul has done between lifetimes, and what it means for you in this lifetime.

Intuitive Gifts

Learn about your strongest intuitive gift, and how to cultivate it.

The Main Purpose of This Lifetime

Some souls choose to incarnate simply for learning experiences, some choose to contribute to the greater good, some choose to come in a support role for another soul, and others incarnate for an R&R/holiday lifetime. In your reading, you will learn the main reason for this current lifetime.

Benefits of having your Akashic Records Read:

  • Knowing your Life Lessons, Energy Center of Training, and Main Purpose for this lifetime can help you see if you are living in congruence with your life purpose or not

  • Seeing how your Soul Group of Origin explains the little quirks about yourself is fun, validating, and can give you a greater sense of belonging

  • Gaining the big picture of who you are at a soul level can not only be validating for what you've always known or thought of about yourself, but also give you some clarifying "aha" moments for why you had to experience certain things in your life

  • Learning about your intuitive and empath gifts can help you understand how you experience and relate to the world and other people, and also give you a springboard for cultivating your intuition deeper if you so desire

  • Understanding your Soul Trainings can help you better understand not only yourself, but also how you relate to others

  • All of the info revealed in your reading gives you a higher level of understanding of your personal approach to life, challenges, invitations, relationships, etc


 "As the last few weeks have passed after our session, I have been pondering and processing all of our 1 hour together- oh man, surreal, I have so much gratitude to you and your gifts Jessica!! I have always felt like such a huge part of me was missing, I have always thought about what's beyond- past, present and future, how beautiful it is to get such a huge insight into a deeper understanding of myself! I AM SO INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL TO YOU! and your work  I believe in divine timing, divine intervention eee all of if  and even just making our session!Thank you to helping me understand myself so much more or innerstand and have such a massive platform to bounce off to dive into deeper awareness, healing and growth. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I am so grateful our paths crossed. I found it so incredibly fascinating the insight you had and shared with me, I  understand my lessons on a deeper level, and the work that is needed to keep evolving, I resonated so much with everything you shared and I am truly grateful to you  I hope to do more work with you in the future! Namaste, Chantelle" 


~Chantelle, New Zealand, March 2023

Phone Reading Plus

PDF Report

After you pay for your session,

I will reach out to you to schedule your phone session in which I will share my research with you and you can ask questions as time permits.


Each session is 60 minutes.


You will also be emailed a 15-20 page PDF report with all the
details of your reading.


Phone Only

After you pay for your session,
I will reach out to you to schedule your phone session in which I will share my research with you and you can ask questions as time permits.


Each session is 60 minutes.


Email Only

After you pay for your session, you will be notified of the estimated delivery time. Once the reading is complete I will email you a 15-20 page PDF report with all the details of your reading. You may ask brief clarifying follow-up questions, but in-depth question will require a phone consult.


Anchor 1


Is this considered therapy?

No, it is not, and this does not make you a therapy client of mine but rather an Akashic Record Reading client of mine.


This is a singular session service for the sole purpose of researching and relaying information from your Akashic Records. 


If you are a current therapy client, and would like to have a reading done, it will be a separate service and session date from your regular therapy session.

how do I prepare for my session?

You will want to ensure that you have a private, calm and quiet environment. Tell loved ones you're not available for this hour. Turn off notifications. Make yourself cozy. Have water or tea. Have a journal ready to take notes.

Where are sessions held?

Phone sessions are held over 

the phone for US residents,

or via Skype for outside
of the US.

how do I schedule,pay,and what are the prices?

Click one of the links below to pay:

Email Session$299

Phone Session: $299

Phone session +PDF report: $399


Email session:

After you pay for your session, you will be notified of the estimated delivery time. Once the reading is complete I will email you a 15-20 page PDF report with all the details of your reading. You may ask clarifying follow-up questions, but in-depth question will require a phone consult.


Phone session:

After you pay for your session, I will reach out to you to schedule your phone session in which I will share my research with you and you can ask questions as time permits. Each session is 60 minutes.


Phone session + PDF report:


After you pay for your session, I will reach out to you to schedule your phone session in which I will share my research with you and you can ask questions as time permits. Each session is 60 minutes. You will be emailed a 15-20 page PDF report with all the details of your reading.


Do you

No refunds are made for this service or for missed session times.


A considerable amount of research is done before we have our session together. Be sure that you are ready, willing, and able to set aside the time to hold your session at the time that's scheduled. Rescheduling must be done 48 hours in advance to avoid losing the money paid for the session.

What if I've already had an akashic records reading done?

If you've already had your Akashic Records read in order to get the information that I am providing, then it's probably a waste of your time and money to get another reading as you're going to get the exact same information.


The type of reading I offer is only meant to be done once in your life since this particular information about your soul will not change.

Jessica Ruby Hernandez provides individual Psychotherapy, holistic somatic therapy, counseling, transformational life coaching, spiritual integration coaching, sensitive empowerment coaching, resilience coaching, yoga breathwork, EFT tapping sessions, intuitive healing sessions, cord cutting, energy clearing, akashic records reading, sound healing, and personal retreats globally online and in person for residents of the San Francisco Bay Area including San Francisco, Pacifica, Redwood City, Menlo Park, Atherton, San Mateo, Foster City, Burlingame, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Gatos, San Jose, Scotts Valley, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Cupertino, Campbell, Capitola, Rio del Mar, Watsonville, Monterrey, Carmel

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