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Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting is a beautiful intuitive healing session that I offer to help people heal past and current relationships.


When you cut a cord, you’re asking the relationship to move to its highest potential. This is a gift not only to your own personal growth, but also to your inner peace and the health of the relationship.


Read more to see if a cord cutting session is right for you.

How Are We All Connected?

When we interact with others, depending on the length and the type of interaction, 3 type of connections are made: Soul Ties (positive), Cord Attachments (negative), and Psychic Ties.


Soul Ties are the deep soul connections made with loved ones, and contain all the beautiful and joyful aspects of the relationship. We cannot cut these, nor would we want to!


Psychic Ties are to be thought of like thin ribbons that can attach as we briefly interact with people in person, or even watch them on TV. These can be removed just as easily and instantaneously as they are connected, and should be, as these can add up to the 100's, which can take a heavy toll on your energy levels. Imagine 100's of "appliances" plugged into your body, all day, everyday, and you'll get a sense of how draining this can be for your energy! A great way to remove the psychic ties from the day is with an epsom salt bath.


Cord Attachments are the stronger connections that contain the difficult and negative energies of a relationship that develop over years and create a heaviness--even in the relationships you want and cherish! These cords "gunk up" the energy between the two people and cause discord and misunderstanding and disconnection. When we consciously and intentionally go through the process of cutting this cord, it works to "clean up" the relationship in terms of the energy between the two people. When the energy between you is "clean", then the path is cleared for new possibilities such as healing, understanding, and closure. The result: the relationship shifts in a positive way, you feel less negatively impacted by the person, or the relationship ends (where called for).

Types of Relationships to Cut Cords With:

Family of Origin

Whether you are on good terms with parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and siblings or not, these are usually some of the most intense relationships in life, and can carry a hefty amount of frustration, stress, and negative energy. Want to improve your relationship with them? Cord cutting may help pave the way for healing and healthier ways of being in relationship to each other.

Old Friends, Frenemies & Bullies

As human beings, we are social creatures who crave connection and community. When there's a tear in our friendships, or a bully terrorizing your childhood memories, the negative impact can cloud not only how you see yourself, but also how you view friendships and "the other" in your current life.

Any relationship you are ashamed of

We all make mistakes and have past regrets. It doesn't matter what it is, it's important to let yourself out of the mental cage of guilt & shame. A cord cutting session can help you see the past more clearly, the purpose of the role you played,
and give you the power to
choose to choose differently
in the future.


When you share the level of intimacy that includes sharing your bed, no matter how long or how casual the relationship, you better believe that deep ties are being made! If there was any type of abuse or manipulation on either side of the relationship, this is something you will want to "clean up," own, and/or release so that you can move forward into healthier romantic relationships. Many people find that cord cutting with exes helps them find closure.


Sometimes our children can be our biggest challenge and our biggest teacher in life! Cutting a cord with a child does not harm the relationship in any manner. In fact it helps to purify your connection, strengthen your love and understanding of them, and ensure that your unhealed childhood woundings are not carried over into your parenting.

Anyone who has caused you trauma

Whether it was a one-off traumatic experience or a repeated traumatic encounter, cut the cord that binds so that you can reclaim your power and your energy, and move forward in your healing process.

Former Boss/Co-Worker

Most of us spend a considerable amount of time at work and interacting with a boss and/or co-workers. Unhealthy relationship dynamics abound in the office, and you may have been a victim or a perpetrator of challenging or negative interactions. Cord cutting will help you identify patterns in yourself, your work environment, or in the types of people you tend to work for, so that you can make a shift for the positive.


Anyone who had a position of power over you in an educational or spiritual manner, who abused that power in any way, harmed you, or in any way ended up having a negative influence over you. This is a good example of someone to cut a cord with so that the lesson is gleaned and the rest is cleaned. A cord cutting session will help you take your power back as well as help remove the "stain" on whatever subject you were learning with them.

Any relationship that has affected your self-esteem

Whether is was a childhood experience at school that destroyed your self-esteem in an instant, or a more recent encounter, you are the one who gets to decide your worth! Cutting the cord with that past experience will free you to see yourself in the light of your true essence.

Benefits of Cord Cutting:

  • Take back your power and energy that was "leaking"

  • Sever the final ties with a toxic person from your past

  • Have more clarity into your authentic voice/perspective

  • Create an opportunity for the relationship to grow in a new direction

  • Reduce the amount of influence negative energies & patterns have on your life

  • Gain a new understanding of the other person and their role in your life

  • Gain peace of mind and understanding of your role in the relationship

  • Create a permanently positive effect on your energy field 

  • Improve your relationship with yourself and others

  • Break limiting patterns in your relationships​



I had no idea what cord needed cutting before I had my session—I need not have worried about that, because she just honed right in on it. I had no idea what to expect but I was astounded at the *absolutely magical* trauma comprehension and integration that happened both during and after the session. It literally transcended multiple lifetimes of pain. After the session I felt an actual slight soreness where the cord had been—incredible!


My advice is to go in completely open to Jessica Ruby’s wise and loving guidance, receive the information held within the cord with an open heart, and clear your calendar for the day or two after you cut a cord, because the healing is serious and your body will ask for quiet, alone time, salt baths, and extra sleep!


~AmaJean, Virginia, USA, February 2022


how long is a cord cutting session?

A cord cutting session lasts roughly 60 minutes.

how many cords can be cut in a session?

One cord is cut per session.

where is the session held?

Sessions are held over the phone (for U.S. and Canada) or via Skype.

how do I schedule and pay for a session?

You may use the contact form to schedule directly with Jessica Ruby. 

Payment must be made at the time of scheduling to hold your spot.


The price is $200/session.

Pay here.

how do I prepare for my session?

You will want to ensure that you have a private, calm and quiet environment. Tell loved ones you're not available for this hour. Turn off notifications. Make yourself cozy. Have water or tea. Have a journal ready to take notes.


Part of your work in this process is to stay in a mindful and contemplative state. The more intention and presence you put into it, the more you will get out of it.


Other than that, make a list of 1-3 people you'd like to cut a cord with, and I will help you decide which is the appropriate one for your session.

do you offer refunds?

No refunds are made for this service or for missed session times. Be sure that you are ready, willing, and able to set aside the time to hold your session at the time that's scheduled. Rescheduling must be done 48 hours in advance to avoid losing the money paid for the session.

is this considered therapy?

No, it is not, and this does not make you a therapy client of mine but rather a cord-cutting client of mine. This is a singular session service for the sole purpose of cutting a cord. If you are a current therapy client, and would like to have a cord cut, then I would suggest booking a 90 minute session so that we can do the cord cutting as well as process on a therapeutic level.

does this ever NOT work?

Great question! Sometimes when we go in to do a cord cutting, it will be made clear that it is not an appropriate time for this to happen.


One reason is that you may not be ready to cut the cord you wanted to cut in your session. I recommend having a list of 1-3 people to cut with in case your 1st choice is not appropriate.


Another reason is that you have too much energetic "clutter" that needs to be cleared 1st for the cord cutting to be effective. This is rare, but if this happens, I will offer you an alternative clearing session in place of a cord cutting so that you come away with a healing session no matter what.


Once a cord is cut, however, it is permanent. 

Jessica Ruby Hernandez provides individual Psychotherapy, holistic somatic therapy, counseling, transformational life coaching, spiritual integration coaching, sensitive empowerment coaching, resilience coaching, yoga breathwork, EFT tapping sessions, intuitive healing sessions, cord cutting, energy clearing, akashic records reading, sound healing, and personal retreats globally online and in person for residents of the San Francisco Bay Area including San Francisco, Pacifica, Redwood City, Menlo Park, Atherton, San Mateo, Foster City, Burlingame, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, Los Gatos, San Jose, Scotts Valley, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, Aptos, Cupertino, Campbell, Capitola, Rio del Mar, Watsonville, Monterrey, Carmel

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